Auto Reloader

Refresh matching tab(s) after a period of inactivity.

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3.67 (Rating count: 3)
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All time rating average: 3.67

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Franklin Davis
I got it because it runs automatically for a particular site. But I can't get it to reload, except for the Page load error handling delay. I don't get a dialog. My settings: 5 Inactivity duration before showing the reset dialog. 5 Delay before the reset modal auto-confirms. 5 Inactivity duration before reloading the page without confirmation. Page load error handling App CSS class used to check if the page loaded completely. 999 Delay before forcing a reload if the above class isn't found. It was reloading based on the default error delay (30), even when I was active. Now that I set that to 999, it doesn't reload according to the other settings.
Александр Петрик
Ну наконец-то появилась нормальное расширение для авто-обновления конкретной страницы, а не вкладки. Это заметно выделяет ее среди остального шлака типа Auto Refresh и прочих. Неплохо было бы еще добавить выделение той вкладки, на которой после обновления произошли изменения.