Blue Dot Replacement

Blue Dot Replacement

Show a flashing alert icon when an unfocused tab's title changes.

Total ratings for Blue Dot Replacement
4.18 (Rating count: 11)
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All time rating average: 4.18
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Yu Cho
Yu Cho
Hi After Chrome is update to version 91.0.4472.77, this great extension can not work anymore, because Chrome changed the tab name showing method, Sad!!
2020-11-26 J Yen Works as stated, even after all those version updates.
Jeremy Rice
Jeremy Rice
I am happy to be able to tell when my pinned tabbed have notifications that require my attention. Thanks. ...But I *really* wish it didn't also flash on the bookmarks bar. A) it seems to do this when there aren't actually any notifications for the given page (this seems like a bug), and B) I habitually click on those icons, which mucks up which page my pinned tabs are actually on, interrupting my workflow. :S I imagine this is NOT something the dev can fix, due to the nature of how icons are implemented with Chrome... but... man. It definitely makes this less valuable for me. I ended up turning off my bookmarks bar, which is a drag. :|
Allen Wilson
Allen Wilson
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!
2019-01-23 A Google user I've added an animated gif and it seems to work in the Options preview, but not on the live tabs on chrome. Any suggestions on making that work?
A Google user
en I've added an animated gif and it seems to work in the Options preview, but not on the live tabs on chrome. Any suggestions on making that work?
works great unless you want to customize: 1. the option to add your own icon doesn't work for me. it says to "paste" an image into the form, but that does nothing. then tried a URL, but the alert I got on my gmail tab was a "broken image" icon. I checked, the URL for my image is not broken. I tried different URLs and different file types (.ico and .png). none worked. (sorry to put this here! would have loved to send this feedback directly to the developer but could not find a way to contact them through their developer page.) 2. the "enable this extension only on the following websites" doesn't work. I tried it on multiple URLs (for my gmail inbox), and no matter what I did, it basically breaks the extension for gmail. I want to receive notifications for gmail only (I don't want it for other websites), so unfortunately this extension is useless to me.
Dan Micsa
Dan Micsa
At last I can have notifications back. TYVM Will! Life is fun again.
Mohammed Abood
Mohammed Abood
I like it very much after the google chrome removed the Bule dot notifation.. Great job... Thanks
Pedro Pereira da Costa
Pedro Pereira da Costa
Great extension! This is vital to my workflow, thanks! I would suggest creating an option for choosing a different icon, or insert a new one from an image.