Brand Kit

Brand Kit

This extension helps you keep track of brand colors, images, and guidelines. If you've ever been in a situation where you quickly…

Total ratings for Brand Kit
4.25 (Rating count: 4)
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Recent reviews for Brand Kit
Recent rating average: 4.25
All time rating average: 4.25
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HeadSmart Design
HeadSmart Design
EXACTLY what I needed. "Not going to change the world" my backside. It's made my world a LOT easier. Perfect mix of simple and featured. The only thing I can think of that might improve this is a context menu and/or hotkeys... but I'm already an incredibly happy chappy :) Thank you Gabriel!
Aaron Sherrill
Aaron Sherrill
When I clicked on "Authenticate with Google" a chromeless window came up that looked like the google login page, but there is no way for me to know what that page is. Why didn't a browser window open for authentication?
shawn covely
shawn covely
Can you explain why Chrome has disabled this extension because of the modified permissions. It now is allowed to "Read and change all your data on all websites". If you could just explain what that means, I'd love to continue using this really amazing tool!
Molly Rudoni
Molly Rudoni
Simple yet effective!