
Displays points & miles costs for flights on Google Flights and hotel information!

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 10)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps in finding flights using points and miles
  • Saves money on travel booking
  • Integrates with Google Flights for easy planning
  • User-friendly and time-saving for points travelers
  • Great for checking points required for flights
  • Payment page prompts can be confusing or frustrating
  • Some users experienced issues with functionality or reliability
Most mentioned
  • Easily finds award flights through points
  • Saves significant money for travelers using points
  • Integration with Google Flights is highly valued
  • Offers clarity on points needed for flights
  • Potential for further improvements and updates
See reviews for AwardTravel on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.60

Rating filters

5 star
90% (9)
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1 star
10% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Matt Shumer
en AwardTravel is like the for Google Flights! Super helpful planning an upcoming trip with my family!
Pearce Polcyn
en Does not work. Just asks me to "contribute" and takes me to a payment page when I click on the extension.
Dana Cousins
en I just found a flight to Jackson Hole this summer that's retailing for $835, and AwardTravel popped up that I could use just 11,000 points each way (22k RT), and immediately booked it using my points! Great extension.
Sandro Keisel
en The best to find Award Flights on Google Flights!
James LePage
en I'm a big points traveler and just used this for the first time when planning some upcoming travel. Super helpful and easily saved me a couple hundred dollars this first go around. I'll definitely be using this for all of my future planning. Big potential here
Justin Gluska
en love it! i'm obsessed with credit card points but never really focused on maximizing them until I got this
Jake Bodker
en Amazing Way to Search for Flights using my points and miles!!!
Jason Kuperberg
en Super valuable to see my options for booking travel with points directly in Google Flights. Looking forward to further maximizing my points usage and future updates from the developers.
Bruno Gonzalez
en Best app for easily checking how many points it'll take to fly. Been looking for an app like this for a long while. Saves so much time!
Larry Hollander
en Works like a charm - works best with one-way flights. Great easy way to show me the best way to use my credit card points to book flights.