Udemy Course Length

Udemy Course Length

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Total ratings for Udemy Course Length
2.33 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Udemy Course Length on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Udemy Course Length
Recent rating average: 2.33
All time rating average: 2.33
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67% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Matthew Nguyen
Matthew Nguyen
Stopped working and no updates/communication to fix it.
Emily Nilsen
Emily Nilsen
The developer has neither updated the extension nor responded to my email regarding the problem. Google Chrome should remove this paid extension since it does not work.
Bryan Stark
Bryan Stark
Life saving ext. You might consider this "donate ware" because the creator asks for a donation for his app and I felt this was a very good product given that it shows you information that Udemy now hides. This will tell you the total time of the course, how much you completed, and how many hours and minutes are left as well as the percentage you completed. Really good app.