Extend AppSheet

Extend AppSheet

Boost productivity and clear the clutter

Total ratings for Extend AppSheet
4.13 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Extend AppSheet on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Extend AppSheet
Recent rating average: 3.56
All time rating average: 4.13
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Whyme Co
Whyme Co
en It can't change anything. It can't save when I reload. I cant't click editor tab.
Rafael Almeida
Rafael Almeida
Once you try it there's no going back, extremely useful for people trying to work with different windows using a single monitor, thanks Jonathon ! Rafael Almeida
Infoguia HN
Infoguia HN
Missing really necessary features
Levi Pineda (LeviP)
Levi Pineda (LeviP)
en Missing really necessary features
AppSheet EnEs (LeviP)
AppSheet EnEs (LeviP)
en Missing really necessary features
Михаил Смирнов
Михаил Смирнов
Everything is fine if you do not use google translator. The problem occurs in the IDE. If an example for decoding a serial copy of the code. P.S. Sorry. Google translator=)
Mondadori Point
Mondadori Point
Aurélien Moyen
Aurélien Moyen
Awesome extension ! Really add some value into manipulating the app editor once you get some experience with AppSheet.
2021-09-04 Steven T Works very well, definately frees up some space!