Open in Spotify desktop client

Instead of opening links in the browser they will always be opened in Spotify

Total ratings

3.84 (Rating count: 38)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works beautifully for users on Windows.
  • Great extension when it works as intended.
  • Does what it says it does.
  • Occasionally stops loading other non-Spotify pages by misidentifying links.
  • Popup interface disappears too quickly for users to click the option.
  • Requires workarounds to function properly on some operating systems like MacOS and Linux.
Most mentioned
  • Works for some users but fails for others, especially on different OSs.
  • Popup disappearing before user can make a selection.
  • Misidentifies non-Spotify links, disrupting browsing.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.84
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Lukáš Zahradník
en This is awesome.
Александр Дружинин
en Only that works!
en Works beautifully for me on Windows. Thanks for a solution to an annoying problem
en not working
Gwen Kortus
en this is way to compliceted for my small brain it might work for other people but what is a FQND part of an URL? lost.
Cyan Thayn
en Great when it works, but sometimes it incorrectly thinks other links are Spotify links and just stops those pages from loading.
Peter Maziak
en Once I disabled this app then links started opening in Spotify. At least on Chrome/MacOS in 2020.
Nils Ingvarsson
en Sorry, but it didn't work. After installing, the browser won't even open the ordinary link. So it just made things even worse than before... Uninstalling.
Curtis Powell
en great app
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