BiggerCake - Kickstarter Analytics

BiggerCake - Kickstarter Analytics

Get Useful insights about Kickstarter Campaigns

Total ratings for BiggerCake - Kickstarter Analytics
3.18 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for BiggerCake - Kickstarter Analytics on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for BiggerCake - Kickstarter Analytics
Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.18
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63% (5)
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not working
levent erenle
levent erenle
not working
Oceanus Brass
Oceanus Brass
It stopped working a few weeks ago (January 2021). Too bad as they offered more information than the [crappier] Backerkit, which is the other option now... Please fix the tool, so I can move this review back to 5 stars!
Adam Teece
Adam Teece
Doesn't seem to be working with new campaigns anymore sadly... time to find a new extension for this...
Yaser Asadifard
Yaser Asadifard
Amazing analysis! thanks a lot.
Charlie Mumba
Charlie Mumba
The site & plugin are run by a marketing company gathering targetable user data to sell ads and retargeting to 3rd parties. You don't have to take my word for it, just check page 10 of the privacy policy attached to this plugin under the "Google and Facebook pixels" section. If privacy and tracking are a concern, you probably want to skip this one. If that wasn't bad enough, the only two visible user reviews are written by people that work/worked for the same marketing company that the plugin was written by. Google their names.
Alexandra Trabolsky
Alexandra Trabolsky
Super useful. Beautiful and clean UI. Best tool for following crowdfunding campaigns that I've come across.
Zohar Sakal
Zohar Sakal
Very cool product