Porn blocker

Block thousands of adult and porn websites. Password protected.

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2.79 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for Porn blocker on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 2.79

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Francisco Matias
Can one password protect the "uninstallation",i.e. "remove from Chrome" function? Great that we can password protect yet I was allowed and able to remove of the App and reinstallation of it without anyone being none the wiser. PLEASE HELP!!
It gave me a ton of websites. I love it.
2021-03-24 Thad Litz Not good. Has a small static list of porn sites. If your kids happens to hit one of those great. All you have to do is search google and you'll get to whatever you want.
Jim Ahlander
I wouldn't recommend for one major reason. It does nothing on image searches. Easiest way to get to porn. It does "block" specific porn sites. The site loads (showing porn images), and then it overlays a "block page" and requires a password to get to. Definitely not safe enough for kids.
Drew Thorne
Literally Doesn't Do Anything... As soon as I got the extension set up, I tested it to see if it works — it didn't do a thing.
Joshua Robison
Five stars and $20 if you can disable the incognito mode since this extension is easily circumvented by using incognito mode which makes this extension useless. A password should be required to keep incognito mode from opening or the extension to be uninstalled . In any case , you need to do something.....anything... about incognito mode. Thank you.
Amit Saroj
Not working
Keven Ramos
It's really helping me, thank you.
Jodh Locke
it is amazing and it works!