Nicer Inverter

Nicer Inverter

Darkens bright pages for easier night time reading. Unofficial improvement of Inverter.

Total ratings for Nicer Inverter
3.92 (Rating count: 157)
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Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.92
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
2021-02-18 Jodi W It was great until I went into google photos and found all photos blanked out by the extension...
Azizou Timmy
Azizou Timmy
its okay there are some bugs that need to be fixed
Thank you!!
Tried it out for funsies. Can't toggle the bloody thing off again without reloading the page. Should ideally be able to do that by clicking the icon again, since it hides some graphics (icons on the top bar on Facebook for instance). I don't know code; is this not a thing that can be implemented?
ismet soner
ismet soner
darkens also necessary tabs and makes them invisible.
Francesca Mazur
Francesca Mazur
There's no obvious function to provide persistence domain-wide. If that were an option, this would be, by far, the best extension to provide color inversion.
Noriega Jorge
Noriega Jorge
No se puede desactivar una vez activado.
Yang Jeremy
Yang Jeremy
this plugin is really help for reading a web page.i had not ever seem such a good plugin
The Ilegator
The Ilegator
Simple and decent.
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni
It works, not as well as Firefox extensions but hey, it works
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