Morning Coffee

Morning Coffee

Keeps track of routine websites and opens them in tabs

Total ratings for Morning Coffee
3.63 (Rating count: 27)
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All time rating average: 3.63
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Zocomo Transportes
Zocomo Transportes
Esta extensão é indispensável para uma maior agilidade no inicio dos seus trabalhos. Utilizo há vários anos em diversos computadores que já tive, tanto pessoas como profissionais. Agradeço aos desenvolvedores pelo excelente trabalho. Abraços!.
Fran B
Fran B
Sin duda, una de las extensiones imprescindibles para mi. Muy útil y sencilla de usar. Altamente recomendable.
RM Hutchins
RM Hutchins
Use it all the time to open several designated websites with one button (or with a keyboard shortcut).
Dea Jae Shore
Dea Jae Shore
Used to have a version that you could just click on. Now there is a drop down menu that takes too long. Would like to have the by day option.
Kreg Asay
Kreg Asay
Better than nothing, but not as good as the other version which allowed far more customization.
2017-12-05 D Trees This addon is not nearly as handy as the Firefox addon. It's buggy and not as customizable. It doesn't open all of the tabs or it opens them more than once, but never opens the same tabs every time. It also has no customization options for opening sites by day, etc. Works...kind of.
Jen Cate S
Jen Cate S
Often this app open only two website on ten.
Peter Frederick
Peter Frederick
Used it for years with Firefox and delighted to find it in Chrome, my allegiance to Firefox has just slipped.
2017-01-31 ANDTORR No ability to open different tabs for different days.
2017-01-16 Richard Marshall No ability to set which sites to open by day. Disappointing
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