Grayscale Tool

Press shift+g (or create your own key shortcut) to (de)activate grayscaling of a web page.

Total ratings

2.54 (Rating count: 46)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well when it functions correctly
  • Allows customizing the shortcut
  • Nice neat tool
  • Doesn't work for many users, especially after installation
  • Shortcut keys often do not work reliably
  • No on/off setting outside of keyboard shortcuts
  • Doesn't work on existing tabs before installation
  • Incompatibility issues reported on different platforms
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work anymore
  • Shortcut does not function as intended
  • Refreshing tabs is required for it to work
  • Incompatibility or functionality issues across different device types
See reviews for Grayscale Tool on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 2.54
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Rating filters

5 star
18% (13)
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18% (13)
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11% (8)
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44% (32)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jonathan Holden
en doesn't work
Old “Laag” Starchy
Works well, I would prefer it to store on/off state per tab since I'll only need it for one or two tabs at a time but for my usage I only activate it briefly now and then so I don't need to worry much about opening/refreshing other tabs while its on. I'm using Alt+G as the shortcut as I already use Shift+G for something else.
Old “Laag” Starchy
en Works well, I would prefer it to store on/off state per tab since I'll only need it for one or two tabs at a time but for my usage I only activate it briefly now and then so I don't need to worry much about opening/refreshing other tabs while its on. I'm using Alt+G as the shortcut as I already use Shift+G for something else.
Clarissa Toyad
Doesn't work anymore. You can set the shortcut to anything, but pressing the shortcut doesn't turn anything greyscale. Maybe it needs to be updated.
Clarissa Toyad
en Doesn't work anymore. You can set the shortcut to anything, but pressing the shortcut doesn't turn anything greyscale. Maybe it needs to be updated.
No matter what combination I used, it didn't work- was looking forward to this...
en No matter what combination I used, it didn't work- was looking forward to this...
Juri Novik
работает Shift+G при опции "на выбранных сайтах"
Juri Novik
ru работает Shift+G при опции "на выбранных сайтах"
2021-02-22 Zach and Jadyn Stewart The short cut didn't work at first but I had to refresh the tabs I had open before I installed the extension before the short cut started working.
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