Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker

A Chrome extension to check keyword density for a specific keyword.

Total ratings for Keyword Density Checker
5.00 (Rating count: 5)
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Recent reviews for Keyword Density Checker
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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ruhi khan
ruhi khan
The Keyword Density Checker Extension is super user-friendly. and I can check the keyword density of any content .Its really useful
Ruhi Khan
Ruhi Khan
en The Keyword Density Checker Extension is super user-friendly. and I can check the keyword density of any content .Its really useful
Gopika Krishan
Gopika Krishan
Im a digital marketing student and this extension has helped me tremendously while optimizing my SEO blogs. highly recommend this one.
Shamil Sha
Shamil Sha
Keyword Density Checker Extension is incredibly easy to use. With just a single click, I can analyze the keyword density of any piece of content on my website or blog.
nasib Noushad
nasib Noushad
This extension gets the job done. It is a very useful extension, especially if you're someone working in the SEO field.
Farsana M
Farsana M
I've been seeking for an extension like this for a while, Thanks.