Data Studio Fullscreen

Data Studio Fullscreen

An extension that puts Data Studio into fullscreen for dashboards, etc.

Total ratings for Data Studio Fullscreen
2.75 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Data Studio Fullscreen on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Data Studio Fullscreen
Recent rating average: 2.75
All time rating average: 2.75
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Henry Doornekamp
Henry Doornekamp
Works good. press F11 for chrome to run in fullscreen and after that press the button that this plugin shows in your sheets to make is absolutly fullscreen. @developer. Could you implement a function that it triggers automaticly? I have a refresh plugin installed for my data studio to refresh data each 15minutes. But upon refresh i have to press the fullscreen button again. Can you make a "auto fullscreen" function in it?
2017-06-29 Florian Perl Works a treat.
Davin Menhinick
Davin Menhinick
Pitty it doesnt work. Chrome Version 57.0.2987.110 (64-bit)
2017-03-30 Sarah Tramm Dos not work