chatGPT screenshot

chatGPT screenshot

Take a nice screenshot of the whole chat GPT conversation

Total ratings for chatGPT screenshot
3.20 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for chatGPT screenshot on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for chatGPT screenshot
Recent rating average: 3.44
All time rating average: 3.20
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22% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mahmood Gamal
Mahmood Gamal
en on MS Edge, takes screenshot of the chat input box only.
Agnieszka Twardosz
Agnieszka Twardosz
en Doesn't work, takes screenshot of the input bar only :(
Mike Zakhariev
Mike Zakhariev
Nice and simple. Works fine.
Uwe Keim
Uwe Keim
en Thanks for accepting my pull requests and contribution to this awesome project 🙂.
Mr matrik
Mr matrik
Works perfectly. Im using vivaldi and the screenshot process is instant. Im much rather having a screenshot in an image form rather than a log especially when I want to reread them.
Eric Zhi Peng Sia
Eric Zhi Peng Sia
it open a chatgpt url with a long page which I can save it manually, I love it. Can you make this extension open source?
en Unfortunately it just returns a black image with no contents currently (using within Brave).
Alexander Berglund
Alexander Berglund
en This creates a screen shot friendly view, but it did not do the actual screenshotting for me. Had to use another extension for that, which did not work properly without this one. Don't know how to exit this view, seems stuck? Still works to continue the conversation though. It did cover the entire convo, no missing first area for me.
Erban Ku
Erban Ku
en Cannot screenshot fully, missing the first dialogue area.