

A recruiting sourcing extension for use with Paraform

Total ratings for Paraform
4.60 (Rating count: 5)
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Recent reviews for Paraform
Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.60
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Amy Wolcott
Amy Wolcott
en It's a great tool and concept, but it can sometimes by wonky. Sometimes it will pull in data/profile if you're in Linkedin Recruiter, sometimes it makes you go to a candidate's public profile. And every once in a while it will get stuck on a past profile and not pull in anything new requiring me to remove it from chrome and redownload it.
Wayne Zhou
Wayne Zhou
en Been recruiting on paraform for a while and this new tool really helps! Recommend for other recruiters looking to source easier via LinkedIn
Irina R.
Irina R.
en Great integration!
samuel kwak
samuel kwak
I have come across many free tools but I think Paraform's tool for sourcing is amazing when it comes to providing an easy way to save candidates, add notes, and write a quick customized message to send to the candidate whether email or otherwise... Who wouldn't want to utilized that? Great tool. It's free so definitely worth a try but even better for Paraform users.
Jeffrey Li
Jeffrey Li
Awesome tool