Disable Overscroll History

Disable Overscroll History

Prevent horizontal scrolling from triggering forward / backward page navigation.

Total ratings for Disable Overscroll History
5.00 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent reviews for Disable Overscroll History
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ankit Nirman
Ankit Nirman
Akshay k
Akshay k
en JESUS CHRIST! THANK YOU! Chrome has removed the overallscroll-history from the flags section so this is the only safe option for me without tweking stuff on the command line. 5/5
en Perfect! You need to refresh tabs for it to work after downloading but once that's done it's great. Such a good solution if your computer doesn't allow you to disable it yourself
Lorraine Williams
Lorraine Williams
en This worked perfectly and right away once I followed the steps that are given. Thanks!!!
Andrew T
Andrew T
en Works perfectly, thanks!
Matthew Ball
Matthew Ball
en Works as advertised! Thanks for providing this stop-gap solution! Would you be able to provide a link to the source code for this extension if you get a moment? Thanks!
Brian Tannert
Brian Tannert
en I'm using an M1 Mac and I've been trying to find a way to prevent horizontal scrolling from triggering forward/backward page navigation on Chrome by disabling overscroll-history-navigation, running "defaults write com.google.Chrome AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool false" on the Terminal and even turning off the "Swipe between pages" trackpad setting but to no avail. This extension however has worked wonders to say the least.
Daniel Denette
Daniel Denette
en Does exactly what it says (after a browser restart) which saves me from so much lost data from accidentally scrolling and going back. Thank you!
Kanyesigye Akbr
Kanyesigye Akbr
en Works as promised on most pages.