URL Opener and EMAIL Extractor

URL Opener and EMAIL Extractor

"URL Opener and EMAIL Extractor" can effectively improve the efficiency of searching for email, LinkedIn and other social media…

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5.00 (Rating count: 9)
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Chen Coco
Chen Coco
en This extension is awesome!! love it! simple function and quick action
Tooling Jayden
Tooling Jayden
en I recently stumbled upon the "URL Opener and EMAIL Extractor" Google Chrome extension, and I must say, it has been a revolutionary tool for my online research and lead generation tasks. As someone who spends a significant amount of time scouring the web for contact information and social media profiles, this extension has not only saved me hours of manual searching but has also significantly improved the quality of my work. Firstly, the ease of use is commendable. By simply entering the URLs into the extension, I can set it off on its task with a click of a button. The "Confirm" action initiates an automated process that opens the URLs for me, which is a time-saver in itself. But where this tool truly excels is in its ability to intelligently gather and extract relevant information such as email addresses and social media links. The Ctrl + Enter keyboard shortcut is a genius feature that streamlines the information collection process, and the option to automatically close pages post-scraping is a thoughtful addition for maintaining focus and efficiency. For those instances where the pages don't yield the desired information, the ESC key provides a quick and easy way to navigate away without any hassle. This is a small but impactful detail that shows the developers' attention to user experience. The "preview" function is another standout feature. It allows me to quickly review the collected data before I decide to download it, ensuring that I have accurate and relevant information to work with. And when I'm ready to analyze or share my findings, the "Download" option makes it a breeze to export the data in a well-organized CSV format. In conclusion, the "URL Opener and EMAIL Extractor" is an indispensable tool for anyone involved in lead generation, market research, or social media management. Its ability to automate the search and extraction of key contact information from web pages has transformed the way I approach my online tasks. I highly recommend this extension to anyone looking to up their game in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. It's a well-deserved 5-star tool that has earned a permanent spot in my browser's arsenal.
zh 这个插件简直吊炸天,我有这个想法没想到居然就能实现.
jia chen
jia chen
thank you so much .I'm really appreciated for your work .
Very very useful! Thank you so much!
Queenie Pan
Queenie Pan
Thank you very much!
Ling Li
Ling Li
super simple à utiliser, et très très efficace
Tsai Howard
Tsai Howard
Very very useful, thank you!
Tian Nina
Tian Nina
very very nice! perfect!
Joe Fctrailers
Joe Fctrailers