SocialFeed Ad Blocker for Facebook

SocialFeed Ad Blocker for Facebook

Enhance your Facebook experience by blocking sponsored content from your feed and removing ads from your side panels.

Total ratings for SocialFeed Ad Blocker for Facebook
3.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for SocialFeed Ad Blocker for Facebook on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for SocialFeed Ad Blocker for Facebook
Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.00
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Luis KD
Luis KD
en Another ad blocker for Facebook I had -- the one by esuit -- suddenly stopped working on "sponsored" ads, so I went looking for another option to use in conjunction with that one. I wasn't sure about this one at first because it had no ratings after several months, but I took a chance because it specifically stated that it blocked sponsor-style ads, and waddaya know, it does exactly that, with no problems or slow down. It takes a couple seconds for it to do its thing after you open facebook, but it does what it says, and that's enough for me.