Buildapcsales Alert

Buildapcsales Alert

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Total ratings for Buildapcsales Alert
5.00 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent reviews for Buildapcsales Alert
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Kelly Nguyen
Kelly Nguyen
Damn best extension ever. You should go on shark tank or something.
Love this extension... but has it stopped working? I've not received an email since Jul 5 2019.
very helpful and useful, recommended to anyone who wishes to save any money for their PC building or upgrading experience
David Nguyen
David Nguyen
It's a pretty useful application and I got a lot of deals that interested me. Even though there were instructions and everything worked, I wish the UI was better.
Emily Cheng
Emily Cheng
Very helpful if you want to get into building a pc! I'm new to building computers so this extension makes it much easier than driving all the way to Fry's to ask for help.
Jonathan Ruggiero
Jonathan Ruggiero
Just what I needed. Before, I would have to repeatedly refresh and scan the reddit page. Now I can spend more time doing important things like: looking at my pretty lights in my case, dodging my room-mates nerf bullets, or just pace back and forth waiting for that ding so that I can fulfill this insatiable addiction to staring at online computer parts that aren't even relevant to my current PC. I now salivate whenever I get an email. Is that normal? 12/10 Would DL on all chromes (Even chromes that aren't mine) again.