
An Ethereum Wallet in your Browser

Total ratings

2.93 (Rating count: 4,634)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent support from agents
  • Considered one of the best and safest web wallets
  • Some useful new features added
  • Frequent crashes and bugs
  • Issues with connecting to dApps
  • The UI/UX is in need of upgrades and improvements
  • Inability to cancel pending transactions or notifications
  • Requires frequent reinstallation or browser restarts
Most mentioned
  • Crashes frequently
  • Bugs causing connection problems
  • Frustration with the extension's performance
  • Poor communication with dApps
  • Need for reinstallation to fix issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 2.93
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Rating filters

5 star
57% (3,148)
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6% (307)
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5% (297)
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6% (319)
1 star
27% (1,485)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Petr Mikheev
en After the introduction of the permissions system, everything started working terribly. As a developer, I felt this in the strongest possible way. Please fire the very architect who pushed for this functionality. It works terribly—or rather, nothing works at all. To apply changes, you have to reload the browser—this is simply laughable. Should I also restart my router along with my laptop? This is a horrendous architectural and technical decision. I’d even say the application has become less user-friendly. I would call this shooting yourself in the foot. At my previous job, there was an architect with a similar proposal regarding security and implementing a permissions system. Thankfully, my team and I managed to get him kicked out of the company. Please either remove this disgrace or completely redesign it. Thank you!
Tülin Keçelioglu
tr Merhabalar; Yaklaşık 15 gündür işlem yapmak istediğim platformlarda ağlar arası geçiş yapamıyorum. Yapmak istediğim izin gerektiren işlemler (bridge, swap, supply vb) metamask o anda devreye giremediği için askıda kalıyor. Metamask üzerinde bekleyen onlarca izin bildirimi görünüyor ve bu bildirimleri iptal edemiyorum. Bu nedenle bir çok işimi halledemez durumdayım. Konsol üzerinde tonlarca hata görüyorum. Umarım en kısa zamanda bu sorunlar çözülür. İyi çalışmalar.
Yami Kursk
mas zaky
abet fahrizal
id metamask makin update makin buruk peforma nya dan lelet, apalagi sering terjadi bug atau error yang mengharuskan kita untuk menginstal ulang. ini sugguh merepotkan
Laur Eli
en Advanced user here. Crashes and no fix can make it restart. It did this in two different browsers, and I now have to waste time importing a large number of wallets in another extension. I'm never going back to Metamask after this.
Abdullateef Sulaiman
en Very terrible app. Crashing all the time on all my browsers. You need to improve, honestly. Cos it's frustrating and time-wasting.
Robert Nance
en Simply too many problems. Communication between dapps and metamask have issues. Can't seem to make anything to work on it now. I guess after 4 years, it is time to look elsewhere. Metamask, don't ask me to reach out to help. You guys keep responding to people as if they haven't tried this. Just fix the app, or you will become irrelevent.
Darno Wirso
en Wasting your time, There's ALWAYS a PROBLEMS using THIS!! Deymn!! Uninstalling!!
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