Is it an L or I?

This website will help you distinguish between the lowercase "l" and the uppercase "I" because we all hate trying to tell the…

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Mike C
en Exactly what I needed.
See, Now this? Absolutely the best thing i have ever downloaded. I had the biggest issues with my l's and I's (get it? i guess you have to use the extension to see what i wrote there heh!) This solved all my problems with writing. My wife had divorced me for when i said "I live for you" But she thought i said "L life for you." I would never say that my wife had an "L life", But she took it the wrong way and then cheated on me after. But now, with this extension i plan to win her back with this and show her that i really do Live for her. So thank you Toliver, and Tyler for this revolutionary work of art you have just made. Edit: It worked! She loves me now! I knew it would work. This extension is so perfect..... Thank you so much Toliver & Tyler!
en See, Now this? Absolutely the best thing i have ever downloaded. I had the biggest issues with my l's and I's (get it? i guess you have to use the extension to see what i wrote there heh!) This solved all my problems with writing. My wife had divorced me for when i said "I live for you" But she thought i said "L life for you." I would never say that my wife had an "L life", But she took it the wrong way and then cheated on me after. But now, with this extension i plan to win her back with this and show her that i really do Live for her. So thank you Toliver, and Tyler for this revolutionary work of art you have just made. Edit: It worked! She loves me now! I knew it would work. This extension is so perfect..... Thank you so much Toliver & Tyler!
Toliver Vachon
Loved it. I had many many problems telling whether letters were L's or I's. Now I can freely determine the truthful letter.
Toliver Vachon
en Loved it. I had many many problems telling whether letters were L's or I's. Now I can freely determine the truthful letter.
Tyler Chin
It was amazing. Just absolutely amazing. Revolutionized the entire industry of web surfing. Thank you, whoever made this extension.
Tyler Chin
en It was amazing. Just absolutely amazing. Revolutionized the entire industry of web surfing. Thank you, whoever made this extension.