TeleCRM Sync Chats to CRM for WhatsApp™

TeleCRM Sync Chats to CRM for WhatsApp™

CRM integration for WhatsApp to automatically capture leads, chats, create follow-ups and more directly inside WhatsApp

Total ratings for TeleCRM Sync Chats to CRM for WhatsApp™
5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent reviews for TeleCRM Sync Chats to CRM for WhatsApp™
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Oriental Furnishing Works
Oriental Furnishing Works
en As the owner of a Furniture and Interior Business, I primarily acquire leads through WhatsApp. Managing these leads was a significant challenge until I discovered the TeleCRM chat sync extension. This tool has been a game-changer, enabling me to consolidate all my leads in a single location. It allows me to efficiently track calls, monitor progress stages, and handle order inquiries seamlessly. In my experience, this is the premier tool on the market for businesses that manage their lead flows via WhatsApp. I highly recommend it for its effectiveness and ease of use.
Arbaz Ali
Arbaz Ali
en This is a very helpful tool if you or someone in your team is a user of TeleCRM. I work in a Telecalling process where we capture leads directly from WhatsApp into our CRM, apart from other sources like Excel uploads and ads. Since we're working on our laptops most of the times, our WhatsApp responses happen mainly through WhatsApp web. When I wasn't using this tool, all WhatsApp conversations with leads used to remain in WhatsApp and wouldn't sync with TeleCRM. Therefore, I had to manually save notes in the CRM. Now, after I've started using this extension, all conversations with leads that exist in TeleCRM are automatically synced to the CRM. This is beneficial for both me and my Manager as it gives them a single platform where they can track all actions on a lead.
Akash Goyal
Akash Goyal