Color Finder

Color Finder

Install color finder Chrome extension & detect RGB & HEX color codes with ease. Best Color Identifier for Chrome.

Total ratings for Color Finder
3.36 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Color Finder on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Color Finder
Recent rating average: 2.56
All time rating average: 3.36
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44% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dalibor Truhlar
Dalibor Truhlar
Cheryl Lawson
Cheryl Lawson
en Sad it didn't work for me on a Chromebook.
Ömercan Çayır
Ömercan Çayır
tr çalışmıyor, rezalet
Natania Martínez
Natania Martínez
en Didn't work for me, not intuitive
John Cañares
John Cañares
I doesn't work.
RG Games
RG Games
Embora seja uma das melhores extensões do Chrome, minha classificação baixa, se dá pra chamar atenção dos DEV, pois depois da ultima atualização que deve ter acontecido hoje, 17 de maio, muitas fontes do navegador, além de mudarem de cor automaticamente, ficaram em negrito. Espero que ou revertam a atualização, pois funcionava ótimo ou então, atualizem quanto antes. No momento, irei deixar desativado, pois realmente ferrou com tudo aqui!
Clientes Media Manager
Clientes Media Manager
Although it is one of the best Chrome extensions, my rating is low, if you can call the attention of the DEV, because after the last update that must have happened today, May 17th, many browser fonts, in addition to changing color automatically, were in bold. I hope they either revert the update as it worked great or they update as soon as possible. I'll leave it off for the moment as it really screwed up here!
More usable than any other color extension I've ever used !
Bsaiuday kiran
Bsaiuday kiran
Simple yet powerful extension. Just loved the way it works without making complicated. Kudos to the developers for making such an awesome extension