What time is it Mr.Wolf?

What time is it Mr.Wolf?

What time is it Mr.Wolf? - Chrome Extension

What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf? is an easy-to-use Chrome extension designed to enhance your experience with the Smaregi Timecard system. Seamlessly integrated, it calculates and displays your remaining working hours for the day and week, while taking into account your breaks, customisable weekly hours, and start time. Stay on top of your work schedule and manage your time more efficiently with What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?
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Extension stats

By: G080
Users: 24
Rating: 5.00
Version: 0.2.91 (Last updated: 2024-05-13)
Creation date: 2023-03-23
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • storage
Host permissions:
  • https://timecard1.smaregi.jp/staffs/dashboard*
Size: 39.73K

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What are you Be In Future (v1.3)
3.43 (119) 16,395+
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Extension summary

What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf? is an easy-to-use Chrome extension designed to enhance your experience with the Smaregi Timecard system. Seamlessly integrated, it calculates and displays your remaining working hours for the day and week, while taking into account your breaks, customisable weekly hours, and start time. Stay on top of your work schedule and manage your time more efficiently with What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?


  • Automatically computes your remaining working hours for the day and week
  • Considers breaks for accurate time calculations
  • Customisable weekly hours and start time to match your work preferences
  • Unobtrusive and lightweight, only runs when you're on the Smaregi Timecard website
  • Compatible with Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers

Supported Website:



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User reviews

Bloody brilliant, the bloke who created this. Cheers!
by Caleb McClain, 2024-05-03

Great app!
by Yuya Seto, 2024-04-03

Awesome, very helpful!
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

What time is it Mr.Wolf? requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

What time is it Mr.Wolf? is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.

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Promo images

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