
Set the focus on search boxes without using the mouse

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4.80 (Rating count: 5)
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All time rating average: 4.80

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2021-03-24 Isak Lytting Thank you! Yes, it works as advertised! To the author: As you say, one gets very tired very quickly constantly having to move one's hands from the keyboard position to the mouse and back again. I was looking for an easy way to jump between the Google search box and the address bar. Apparently, Chrome has reserved Ctrl+L to jump to the address bar (great!) but doesn't have a corresponding hotkey combination for setting the focus to the search box on their own page! Thanks for this! Only, maybe if you could add the option of letting the Esc-key cycle between setting the focus to the addess bar and to the search box, thay could also be useful? To users: Looking at the javascript (which I am not literate in, but I have been programming in C for years), it's a very brief program and looks totally innocuous as far as I can see, so I have no fears using it even though there are so few users.
Isak Lytting
en Thank you! Yes, it works as advertised! To the author: As you say, one gets very tired very quickly constantly having to move one's hands from the keyboard position to the mouse and back again. I was looking for an easy way to jump between the Google search box and the address bar. Apparently, Chrome has reserved Ctrl+L to jump to the address bar (great!) but doesn't have a corresponding hotkey combination for setting the focus to the search box on their own page! Thanks for this! Only, maybe if you could add the option of letting the Esc-key cycle between setting the focus to the addess bar and to the search box, thay could also be useful? To users: Looking at the javascript (which I am not literate in, but I have been programming in C for years), it's a very brief program and looks totally innocuous as far as I can see, so I have no fears using it even though there are so few users.
Ana Rita Santos
Very useful, works as intended.
Ana Rita Santos
en Very useful, works as intended.
Miguel Perez Negro
Miguel Perez Negro
pt Útil.