Video Bookmarks Controller

Video Bookmarks Controller

Set and jump to bookmarks in HTML5 video with quick shortcuts.

Total ratings for Video Bookmarks Controller
4.22 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Video Bookmarks Controller on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Video Bookmarks Controller
Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.22
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Paul Edward
Paul Edward
en it's been just over a year since I wrote the above response & in that time, VBC has made the short list of "default" extensions that I always leave enabled. I have a LOT of extensions but 80-90% of them are only enabled as needed/on-demand. When it works it's perfect + This is only ext. I've been able to find that does this for any sites other than YT, allowing users to set markers for any HTML5 video (in theory)... Problem is it doesn't work at all on ~50% of the sites visited (that use HTML5) if the # of sites it functioned on could be increased, this would be a 5 star, indispensable ext for everyone... not just 1-200 users on the world's most popular browser. Thank you, dev for this ext & keep up the great work! Edit - The new Chrome Web store changed the way review comments are handled, or rather scrapped them entirely. So, existing comments aren't present when viewing the comments from the new store. While it's bound to be completely phased out, you can still visit the old version ( URL may get redacted) to see any comments there might be from the before-times, but if you're visiting from the new store the part of this review that talks about a previous comment makes no sense
Rogerio M. Souza
Rogerio M. Souza
en Excellent !
Aleksey Midenkov
Aleksey Midenkov
en Why you don't delete bookmark by the same W if positioned on bookmark? Double-click means you have to use mouse, that's unusable. F.ex. I use shuttle control with key macros. Same with AB repeat: it can be deleted by keyboard too.
Joel Henderson
Joel Henderson
I love this! It is simple and does exactly what I've been looking for.
Vanquan Raf
Vanquan Raf
very nice, but it's better if I can delete the bookmark/ repeat A-B by using the short key.
2020-09-08 Sljzz Was nice, but reassigning shortcuts doesn't seem to work