RemNote Enforcer

RemNote Enforcer

Presents you with RemNote cards when going on sites in your blacklist!

Total ratings for RemNote Enforcer
2.91 (Rating count: 11)
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Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 2.91
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
MaTT Belis
MaTT Belis
en No longer functioning: BUT great conception from sostume number of card per "unlock" trought of simplitity of UI. But not functioning.
It never works - liked the idea though
Hunter Burningham
Hunter Burningham
Unfortunately none of the RemNote extensions seem to work. - tried enforcer a sandbox version of chrome with no other extensions and it did not work. - also attempted to install clipper. It seems the upload to chrome web store was botched. I love your team and love the ideas you guys come up with, I just wish they were working!
Tai Le Thanh
Tai Le Thanh
I can't load cards
Natural Language Science
Natural Language Science
Unfortunately, it just display a "Halt" message with a wheel spinning waiting for something. A message asking for cookies is displayed but it doesn't matter you accept part or none or all of them. It just doesn't work.
Doesn't work. It worked for some time, and still it randomly works once in a while in one of the browsers I'm using (incidentally, not the one with the same email account I use in remnote) but very occasionally. It seems it has been reported in the support tab since long ago but the author doesn't answer. If this was fixed, I'd give it 5 stars though as it looked like really useful. Hopefully the author has time to fix it or open sources it...
C. Martin
C. Martin
en Doesn't work. It worked for some time, and still it randomly works once in a while in one of the browsers I'm using (incidentally, not the one with the same email account I use in remnote) but very occasionally. It seems it has been reported in the support tab since long ago but the author doesn't answer. If this was fixed, I'd give it 5 stars though as it looked like really useful. Hopefully the author has time to fix it or open sources it...
It's awesome! If the interface larger will be better.
sab hoque
sab hoque
Can you make the remnote view window larger? I have a lot of image occlusions that is just annoying to do in the tiny view
Sabiqul Hoque
Sabiqul Hoque
en Can you make the remnote view window larger? I have a lot of image occlusions that is just annoying to do in the tiny view
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