Dewwow for Salesforce

Dewwow for Salesforce

Helps Admins, Developers, and Consultants with Salesforce

Total ratings for Dewwow for Salesforce
5.00 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Dewwow for Salesforce on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Dewwow for Salesforce
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Kévin Germain
Kévin Germain
Wonderful job, thank you a lot <3
Libor Moravek
Libor Moravek
Looking at the reviews had me bit suspicious of the quality of this tool, but this tool is amazing. Great for comparing Profile's field level security.
Jacob Crandall
Jacob Crandall
This is super helpful! Used in conjunction with Perm Comparator, this allows you to see nearly all differences between profiles. A very helpful tool to have in your toolbelt while trying to troubleshoot!
Kyle Luu
Kyle Luu
Love this tool! Used to use PermComparator but it wouldn't let me get down to the field level and would take some time/effort to add different profiles. This extension easily lets you extract all profiles in a instance +object and field level permission data and be able to copy/paste it into a spreadsheet for easy comparison and manipulation Must have in the tool box for any Salesforce admin or Salesforce professional