Google Docs SplitView

Google Docs SplitView

Open documents side-by-side in a single Chrome tab.

Total ratings for Google Docs SplitView
5.00 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Google Docs SplitView on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Google Docs SplitView
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Gabriel Breternitz
Gabriel Breternitz
en If you open multiple Google docs, slides, or sheets at a time, try this. Trust me, it'll make your life so much easier.
Jack Steinberg
Jack Steinberg
en Exactly what I've been looking for, makes my workflow way easier - huge fan, highly recommend
Ben Steinberg
Ben Steinberg
en Makes multi-doc work so much simpler, can't believe no one has done this before!
Madeleine Steinberg
Madeleine Steinberg
en Really nice to not have 12 billion tabs open at once - love being able to combine to easily reference across docs!
Lucas Viccellio
Lucas Viccellio
en Love the split view! Super convenient and easy to use!