TikPak Downloader

TikPak Downloader, helps you view and download videos from Tiktok in one click!

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 60)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works for me most of the time, which is better than most of these other extensions.
  • Used to work great.
  • Excelent.
  • Currently not working for many users, downloading small files instead of videos.
  • Downloads videos with watermark only.
  • Doesn't separate downloads by username.
  • Clicking the download button sometimes just plays the video instead of downloading.
  • Requires scrolling and hovering to load items.
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work
  • Used to be excellent but needs an update.
  • Downloads small files or files with watermark.
See reviews for TikPak Downloader on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.57
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Rating filters

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39% (20)
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18% (9)
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29% (15)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Vic Cheng
en 7/1 24' not working from Today~please revsie the app.
Иван Сидоренко
ru Не работает ! Видео качает 1Байт
Philipp Ritz
en there are better ones
en Doesnt work
julio cysar
es super genial, pero no se si es posible que al momento de guardar los videos, lo hiciera con el nombre de los usuarios. Solo ese seria el unico detalle,
Ty Rock
en It used to work great but at the moment it just downloads small files rannging from 400 to 450bytes that contain no video data. Hopefully the publisher can update their code to fix it. It really was the best before this.
Damn Rickメ 脏艺术
en Download with watermark only... useless for me.
Francisco Silva
pt excelente.
First Last
en works for me most of the time, which is better than most of these other extensions
en Not separated by username subfiles when downloading. numeric subfile is generated
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