Selenideium Element Inspector

A handy tool to log attributes and Selenide, Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Squish and TestCafe locators of the clicked element.

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Selenideium Element Inspector on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Bence Hornyák
Great tool! Looking forward to contribute more and more as a developer to the tool :) Some years ago I really missed a tool like this, now its here, let's make it even better together.
Bence Hornyák
en Great tool! Looking forward to contribute more and more as a developer to the tool :) Some years ago I really missed a tool like this, now its here, let's make it even better together.
Jester j
Installed just this morning, only toyed with it a little so far but can easily see it'll be helpful in a few projects I currently am working on. The developer is actively engaged and dedicated to the progress of this extension, replying to my issue a mere hour after I posted it on a weekend. Looking forward to seeing how far this extension can go and hoping it's a mainstay of my developer chrome profile since it will hopefully be useful enough to stay installed long term.
Jester j
en Installed just this morning, only toyed with it a little so far but can easily see it'll be helpful in a few projects I currently am working on. The developer is actively engaged and dedicated to the progress of this extension, replying to my issue a mere hour after I posted it on a weekend. Looking forward to seeing how far this extension can go and hoping it's a mainstay of my developer chrome profile since it will hopefully be useful enough to stay installed long term.