

A web extension to save, manage and restore sessions, windows and tabs.

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4.75 (Rating count: 4)
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All time rating average: 4.75
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en For the most part this is a good extension that can replace or supplement session buddy since the recent version update of SB screwed up the extension eliminating good features but my biggest gripe is that if you want to save a session you need to select settings which opens a new tab and then save it instead of it having the save feature on the current tab. I can't stand when you have to go through hoops just to do a single task. Second gripe is that they limit the character amounts when naming sessions with min of 3 to max of 40 which you have a lot of links and want to name each link can get annoying forcing you to save more sessions. Other similar session managers don't have that restriction including session buddy. Edit in response to the developer: 1.Sorry meant save by exporting the sessions to my hard drive and the only way I know of is by clicking on settings then export. It would be nice if you can export in the same tab instead of clicking on the setting button and exporting. 2.I would suggest making the left pane wider as it's too thin hence the character limit. The right pane is too wide. Edit again: 1.In session buddy the settings button is in the session tab like Sessionic but when you push the settings button in SB a menu pops up within the same tab and you can export the sessions from there unlike Sessionic if you push the same settings button it takes you to another tab where the ability to export is there at the bottom. 2.SB is the only one that I know that has a wider character count. I've named sessions that have characters up to 76 including spaces.
John Wick
John Wick
Amazing!! Love it ❤️
as .knowledge
as .knowledge
great keep good work pro <3