

WittyParrot extension provides improved productivity, accuracy and consistency in communication.

Total ratings for WittyParrot
5.00 (Rating count: 4)
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Recent reviews for WittyParrot
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Mark Gibson
Mark Gibson
This is a very powerful way of creating and indexing any type of content for reuse. Ive been using OneNote, but this is way more useful and powerful for capturing and sharing content snippets across the enterprise
Jim Burns
Jim Burns
I've watched this important application mature over the last three years. I'm using this as a front end manager to ALL our company content stored in over 15 different locations and repositories. It's the best way to create and manage modular, configurable content that can quickly be tailored for specific communication purposes. We're also moving our plain text content from multiple OneNote and Evernote locations, into a common, shared text management repository.