

Brobench, an extension to boost your Salesforce productivity

Total ratings for Brobench
5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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All time rating average: 5.00
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Mary Reiner
Mary Reiner
en Brobench is a great efficiency booster! It has a rich feature set that far outpaces similar extensions I've used. To echo another reviewer, I highly recommend Brobench for any Salesforce power user, admin, or coder. Super useful and convenient.
Lalo Aguirre
Lalo Aguirre
en Brobench brings a variety of handy tools for Salesforce Users and simplifies many of the complex tasks needed by Admins and Developers. This extension has exceeded my expectations and it has become my go to tool when it comes down to digging into multiple areas of Salesforce. Although other tools offer good functionality, Brobench offers a large range of functionality that makes it superior. I highly recommend it for any power user, admins and developers that need an easy way to navigate Salesforce.
Liz Henton
Liz Henton
en If you are a Salesforce power user you need this tool!! Similar to Salesforce inspector but even better! Allows you to easily explore objects, see field settings, picklist values, with simple download capabilities. You will not regret installing this!!