Whisper Text Reader

Whisper Text Reader

Reads out text from OpenAI Whisper API. You use your own API Key and select the voice you want to use from the extension popup.…

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4.00 (Rating count: 1)
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en Great extension—keep up the good work! By the way, from what I can see in the developer tools, the extension communicates exclusively with the OpenAI API, which means your API token is stored locally. It crashes with long texts. In the Service Worker Network tab, I confirmed that the request to the OpenAI API was made successfully and it returned an MPEG file of 3.9MB. However, the text was not read aloud. There are no errors in the console. The last thing visible in the console is a response status of 200. Before that, there was a message indicating "fetching audio for..." followed by the text I selected. Currently, the UI status is stuck on "Fetching Whisper" with an option to hide the button. I hope this information is helpful.