Damn Puzzle!

See the lichess.org tactics puzzle user rating before wasting time on it!

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2.00 (Rating count: 1)
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Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 2.00

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J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan
re the ethics: 1 - seems kinda cheating one's self since it's just puzzles. but eh you can do unrated anyway (now in 2021 they made an option to do it but even before they made an option you could always do unrated artificially in so many ways) 2 - however i agree maybe this can be justified for like lichess since lichess unlike chesstempo doesn't really have a 5 star system or a commenting thing and afaik lichess doesn't update improvable puzzles (i e-mailed lichess and they didn't reply yet...or they replied but i didn't yet read it). what i would do is see the number of the times the puzzle had been done like i'll try at least 500 times or something because otherwise it could be 1 of those, well, wrong puzzles re whether works or not: doesn't appear to work but good try.
J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. “Nic” Bentulan
en re the ethics: 1 - seems kinda cheating one's self since it's just puzzles. but eh you can do unrated anyway (now in 2021 they made an option to do it but even before they made an option you could always do unrated artificially in so many ways) 2 - however i agree maybe this can be justified for like lichess since lichess unlike chesstempo doesn't really have a 5 star system or a commenting thing and afaik lichess doesn't update improvable puzzles (i e-mailed lichess and they didn't reply yet...or they replied but i didn't yet read it). what i would do is see the number of the times the puzzle had been done like i'll try at least 500 times or something because otherwise it could be 1 of those, well, wrong puzzles re whether works or not: doesn't appear to work but good try.