Twitch Pokemon Helper

Helps attain pokemon badges the TwitchPresents stream.

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4.82 (Rating count: 22)
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Emil Holmgren
Works great, but somehow lately my catched pokemon are not saved when I refresh. It's not the extensions fault though.
Emil Holmgren
en Works great, but somehow lately my catched pokemon are not saved when I refresh. It's not the extensions fault though.
Question: Are you intercepting websocket requests being made to Twitch and checking if they're a badge? How exactly are you identifying if the messages are badges and how exactly are you grabbing the messages? Are you hooking websocket functions? Or is there an API? Can you explain ? Thank you!
en Question: Are you intercepting websocket requests being made to Twitch and checking if they're a badge? How exactly are you identifying if the messages are badges and how exactly are you grabbing the messages? Are you hooking websocket functions? Or is there an API? Can you explain ? Thank you!
2018-09-17 Nope Epon Thanks for this! Works like 99% of the time and that is fine with me :)
Nope Epon
en Thanks for this! Works like 99% of the time and that is fine with me :)
Works exactly as described. Refresh stream after installing to make it start working.
en Works exactly as described. Refresh stream after installing to make it start working.
I'm the guy who posts a block of Pokeball emotes right before every pokemon spawns with the "NEW POKEMON ALERT" text. This little extension is my secret. THANK YOU for making this "game" bearable and not impossible. I've even had PMs from mods thanking me for helping them in not missing the badges. Works FANTASTICALLY.
en I'm the guy who posts a block of Pokeball emotes right before every pokemon spawns with the "NEW POKEMON ALERT" text. This little extension is my secret. THANK YOU for making this "game" bearable and not impossible. I've even had PMs from mods thanking me for helping them in not missing the badges. Works FANTASTICALLY.
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