Chrome Radio Player

Listen online radio stations

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 120)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users find the extension works well.
  • Users appreciate the availability of certain radio stations.
  • Many users report that the extension does not work or that stations do not play.
  • Users find the installation and setup process complicated and time-consuming.
  • There are complaints about the limited selection of music genres and station types.
  • Several stations do not work properly or frequently drop out.
Most mentioned
  • The extension is complicated to set up.
  • Many stations do not work.
  • Users are frustrated with the lack of functionality.
See reviews for Chrome Radio Player on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 4.28
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Rating filters

5 star
66% (58)
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3% (3)
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1 star
16% (14)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dovydas Kairys
lt Vos keletas radijo stočių. Visiškas šlamštas.
mohammed ouarradi
lb exellent
ru то открывается, то нет! ерунда какая то!
John Thomas
en cant find the it!!!
The Non Smoker
Its not working
en Its not working
2020-03-22 Robert Pyle Much too complicated to go through all the steps. easier to listen to another station.
Robert Pyle
en Much too complicated to go through all the steps. easier to listen to another station.
2020-03-22 Crosbyma-ma Crosby It use to be that I could turn on my radio , tune to the station, and listen to the music that I wanted to listen stso. I now have to own a computer, be connected to the Internet, download an extention, find a station, subscribe to the station, add to Chrome, etc. It was nearly an hour's time and I still did not get the stream to listen to. Also It use to be that I could click a live stream button and voila, the station was playing. NO more fuss or frus. Why can't we just listen to the dang station when we type in the URL?I downloaded, I added to Chrome, and I installed,but still no station played. One star * not my time trying.
Crosbyma-ma Crosby
en It use to be that I could turn on my radio , tune to the station, and listen to the music that I wanted to listen stso. I now have to own a computer, be connected to the Internet, download an extention, find a station, subscribe to the station, add to Chrome, etc. It was nearly an hour's time and I still did not get the stream to listen to. Also It use to be that I could click a live stream button and voila, the station was playing. NO more fuss or frus. Why can't we just listen to the dang station when we type in the URL?I downloaded, I added to Chrome, and I installed,but still no station played. One star * not my time trying.
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