Aliexpress to WooCommerce importer

Aliexpress to WooCommerce importer

Quickly import products from Aliexpress to WooCommerce

Total ratings for Aliexpress to WooCommerce importer
4.20 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Aliexpress to WooCommerce importer on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Aliexpress to WooCommerce importer
Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.20
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83% (5)
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17% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Kalle Mølbak Pedersen
Kalle Mølbak Pedersen
en Can't get it to work :-/ It keeps wanting me to log in to my site...
william jeff
william jeff
en Thank you for making this. It works perfectly and guys it's free
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
en This is a great tool for Drop shipping. Amazing app
James Mason
James Mason
en Thank you for making this plugin, It works perfectly fine loving it
Mary Smith
Mary Smith
en This is the best aliexpress to woocommerce product import extension i have seen so far. And it's even completely free. Thank you
Gabrielle Meuthez
Gabrielle Meuthez
en Great tool. I used it to import over 220 products now and it works like a charm, no bugs and no paywall. Saved me a lot of time. Thank you, what a hidden gem.