- Email Finder from Websites - Email Finder from Websites

Find & verify email addresses in just seconds and connect with people who matter the most to your business.

Total ratings for - Email Finder from Websites
4.85 (Rating count: 84)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Efficient email finder and verifier
  • Helpful for managing and monitoring emails
  • Useful for bulk email response
  • Fast and accurate email verification
  • Issues with customer support
  • Some users had difficulty with setup
Most mentioned
  • Efficient email finder and verifier
  • Helpful for managing and monitoring emails
  • Fast email verification
  • Useful for bulk email response
See reviews for - Email Finder from Websites on Chrome Web Store
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Recent reviews for - Email Finder from Websites
Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.85
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Rating filters
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Charl Brown
Charl Brown
You will encounter many stupid support team members who make excuses and repeatedly apologize instead of providing a solution. It may take 2-3 attempts to get a soution.
Stelios K0
Stelios K0
Superb extension with a plethora of possibilities! I loved and i can say that it for sure makes my work so easier and faster. I highly reccomened it!
Vivek Kushwah
Vivek Kushwah
very good extension it really help me a lot their customer support is also excellent
ashlynn Gonzalez
ashlynn Gonzalez
The finder IO is great when it comes to assisting you to monitor your emails. It's efficient because as an online store manager I receive a lot of emails from a lot of costumers, thanks to this extension I'm able to do a proper management of my emails.
wallistic contact
wallistic contact
This is best email finder and email verifier, Will recommend this to my family and friends. Thank you for developing this app!
Gabriel Alberto
Gabriel Alberto
This tool is truly an important resource for my work and for my routine, it makes many things easier for me and I really recommend it, as well as the time tracking tool. Together they make my life easier.
My Tiny World
My Tiny World by 500apps is an advanced Email Finder and Email Verifier tool that helps find the email addresses of people who matter most to your business. the best one.
Michelle Santos
Michelle Santos
It really comes in handy when I have to answer in bulk to a mailing list and don't have time to make sure the recipients are the proper ones or if they are even still active. Using this extension is great because it helps you find the emails you are looking for without too much hassle. I am impressed by the speed with which it verifies the email data, saving time and even money. I receive a lot of emails every day for my line of work, and sometimes it is very difficult to find a specific email in a pool of emails.
prashanth gowda
prashanth gowda
amazing this finder because this include 25 CRMs like AgileCRM, Salesforce, and
John Joaqui Domenden
John Joaqui Domenden
I really really love your extensions on chrome browsers they are very helpful to me especially this now I can easily find the email that im looking for best extension for me and its free
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