CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV Converter Tool

CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV Converter Tool

Effortlessly convert CSV and JSON files with our efficient extension. Ideal for data manipulation and migration.

Total ratings for CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV Converter Tool
5.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV Converter Tool on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV Converter Tool
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dragan Plavsic
Dragan Plavsic
In the crowded landscape of Chrome extensions, the CSV to JSON extension is a standout gem. Equipped with a user-friendly interface and powerful functionality, this extension excels in seamless data conversion between CSV and JSON formats, making it a quintessential tool for anyone dealing with these file formats on a regular basis. Despite the complex conversions, the precision and speed are unparalleled, yielding accurate results with minimal wait time.
Rich Brayant
Rich Brayant
Finally I found extension for my daily work. Thanks