Email Miner

Email Miner

Email Miner will instantly get a list of leads directly from Google and Social Media Pages.

Total ratings for Email Miner
3.86 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 3.86
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
marcelo benez
marcelo benez
Suzi Manley
Suzi Manley
WOW! Just WOW! If you are building an email database then this tool will expedite the process tenfold. If not more. I just did a targeted keyword search and within ONE MINUTE had created a spreadsheet with over 300 emails as well as social media profile links. So not only was I able to build my email database I was also able to go onto the social media platform and connect there as well. This is the turbo way to build your online network for sure. Game changer!!!
Kevin Tsai
Kevin Tsai
Can email scraping be any easier than this?? Within mins, I got myself hundreds of email address to my niche, which would otherwise taken me hours, if not days to try and collect them manually!! What an amazing time saving tool - thank you email miner!!
Jedi Seo
Jedi Seo
I installed Email Miner just over a week ago and have been VERY happy with how many emails I have been able to "mine" with this extension. Very easy to use. If you are looking for emails that are current and you can validate (high validation ratio is correct) then this is for you.
Amelle Meneceur
Amelle Meneceur
This is a GEM, no more getting blocked because of heavy email scrapping! and the options are out of this world!!!
M-Powered Marketing Solutions LLC
M-Powered Marketing Solutions LLC
This extension is so easy to use and so robust! Within minutes you can have an email list that is accurate to start your cold email campaigns to. If anyone is interested in finding out how we are using this extension you are welcome to reach out!