Compare Chrome extensions: Word Counter vs Loading Timer

Stats Word Counter Word Counter Loading Timer Loading Timer
User count 2,959+ 2,918+
Average rating 0.00 0.00
Rating count 0 0
Last updated 2022-12-05 2022-12-22
Size 14.90K 12.87K
Version 1 1
Short description
Counting the amount of a given word in the current page Check loading time of any page!
Full summary

Word Counter is a fun extension that will let the user count how many words appear in a page.

Loading Timer is a browser extension that allows you to easily track the time it takes for a web page to fully load. With just one click, you can see how long it takes for a page to load, giving you insight into the performance of your website and helping you optimize it for faster loading times. This extension is particularly useful for web developers and site owners who want to ensure that their pages are loading as efficiently as possible. It's also a useful tool for anyone who is interested in understanding more about how their browser is performing and how long it takes to load different types of pages. Overall, Loading Timer is a simple, yet powerful tool that can help you get a better understanding of the performance of your website and improve the user experience for your visitors!