ChatGPT to PNG

ChatGPT to PNG

Capture ChatGPT conversations as a single long vertical image.

Total ratings for ChatGPT to PNG
1.50 (Rating count: 2)
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Recent reviews for ChatGPT to PNG
Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 1.50
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Hüseyin Kaan
Hüseyin Kaan
en Good idea but its not working atm. I am clicking on your plug in and capture conversation section showing up so small, I can't click on anything.
Michael H
Michael H
For whatever good it may have on the versioning, I used this when the July 20, 2023 version of ChatGPT 3.5 was the latest. Multiple items are wrong: Every conversation it exported was not formatted properly. The last line of the user's inputted text gets partially cut off. If the user's text input has multiple lines, the top lines work and are clearly visible. The last line, however, is partially cut off with the bottom half missing. The text is rendered poorly as a result of the low resolution in which the PNG is generated. While Chrome was maximized running at 1920 by 1080, the exported image is 778 pixels wide. The text looks like as if Cleartype hadn't been invented yet and therefore, it's blocky and pixelated. It's not unreadable--it works. It's simply, ugly. Another complaint I have that I do not hold it against much is I had a long conversation thread with ChatGPT I was hoping it would export. It's about 1900 lines of text and when I try to export an image, the loading bar doesn't move beyond an eighth of an inch and eventually the sub-window disappears completely and you're left with no indication it stopped working. After trying out this extension, I successfully found a tool that did work. If anyone is reading this, use lencx's ChatGPT utility on github. I have no association with it. It ended up actually working and the generated images are high resolution at 2400px.