Youtube Ad Muter

Mutes ads while still supporting your favourite YouTubers

Total ratings

4.18 (Rating count: 17)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works most of the time
  • Helpful for listening to music without interruptions
  • Better than nothing for ad blocking
  • Occasionally fails to unmute after skipping ads
  • Slow down video load speed
  • Doesn't work on YouTube Music anymore
  • Lag in activating mute after an ad starts
Most mentioned
  • Needs a fix
  • Works but has issues
  • Effective in muting ads
See reviews for Youtube Ad Muter on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.18
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Rating filters

5 star
63% (12)
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11% (2)
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21% (4)
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5% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
William Guerrand
Sup Gov
en Was perfect. Now doesn't work
Cameron Thistlethwaite (A1-FEROX)
en Works fine until recently. Ads are sometimes muted but don't unmute after skipping. Right clicking video also mutes video. Persists after reinstalling the extension.
en This needs a fix now.
Mark Sinclair
en This was working perfectly for me until a week or two back. Hopefully will be fixed in the future. Handy because it doesn't trigger objections by youtube.
en Does work most of the time, on some occasion doesn't (probably due to the video load before the plugin? Dunno)
Lucy Christine
en I've really loved this, especially for listening to music at night while falling asleep, but it's not working anymore on youtube music. I don't know about anywhere else just yet.
Burning Soul
en Does nothing except slow down your video load speed.
Juan Pablo Z.
en Works great
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