Hide My Email for Gmail™

Hide My Email for Gmail™

Hide your emails in Gmail™ to focus and get in the flow. Unhide them whenever you're ready.

Total ratings for Hide My Email for Gmail™
4.33 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Hide My Email for Gmail™ on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Hide My Email for Gmail™
Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.33
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Chris Kit
Chris Kit
en Extension doesn't work - I am using Google Chrome Browser
Erban Ku
Erban Ku
en Does not work anymore
Pietro Meloni
Pietro Meloni
It works really well! I love it! Thanks! (It would be cool to be able to enable/disable it with a keybaord shortcut)
2021-04-10 Sergei Papkov Dear, and where i can find the buttons to hide and show the e-mails? Or it's driven by the hotkeys? The only way i found - to turn on/off this extension in the chrome menu. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EOtljo1LrVVF-ePgBX5wMbpaTeFh2LUy/view?usp=sharing
Matt Thurmond
Matt Thurmond
I'm the developer of this free extension and use it on my home and work gmail accounts everyday to minimize distraction and get in the flow. It works well. Hope you'll give it a shot! This extension can't see, and never collects, any of your email information. You can see the code on github if interested: github.com/mthurmond/gmail-inbox-hider. Thanks, and here's to calmer email management!
Paul Chong
Paul Chong
Nifty extension. Super easy to use, and helps clear the distracting clutter in your inbox when you want to focus on deep work. Definitely recommend trying it out.