JobMate - Job Application Tracker & Internship Search

JobMate - Job Application Tracker & Internship Search

Track your job applications with the best job search tracker in 2024. With Jobmate you can track all the job and internship…

Total ratings for JobMate - Job Application Tracker & Internship Search
5.00 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent reviews for JobMate - Job Application Tracker & Internship Search
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Manoj Reddy
Manoj Reddy
en Great platform
Debanik Debnath
Debanik Debnath
en JobMate - Job Finder & Tracker is an absolute game-changer! As a user navigating the complex world of job hunting, this extension has been my guiding light. Here's why I can't stop raving about it: Seamless Integration: JobMate seamlessly integrates into my browser, making it incredibly convenient to access whenever I'm browsing for opportunities online. Comprehensive Job Search: With JobMate, I can cast a wide net in my job search. It scours multiple job boards and websites simultaneously, saving me valuable time and effort. Customized Alerts: The personalized job alerts feature is a godsend! I receive notifications tailored to my preferences, ensuring I never miss out on relevant opportunities. Intuitive Interface: JobMate's user-friendly interface makes navigation a breeze. Whether I'm filtering search results or tracking application statuses, everything is intuitively designed. Efficient Tracking: Tracking job applications can be a headache, but not with JobMate. It helps me keep tabs on all my applications, deadlines, and follow-ups effortlessly. Reliable Performance: JobMate has consistently delivered accurate and up-to-date job listings, reflecting its reliability and commitment to excellence.
Rajib Ghosh
Rajib Ghosh
en Great! Job Mate promises to be a game-changer for students navigating job searches and saving opportunities. Thrilled to contribute to its development.✨✨
Sananda Dey
Sananda Dey
kalpesh marathe
kalpesh marathe
en Job Mate Extension is a game-changer for efficiency in job searches. Its seamless integration and intuitive features have transformed the way I navigate job listings, making the process smoother and more productive. A must-have tool for anyone serious about optimizing their job hunting experience.
Yash Tiwari
Yash Tiwari
en Worth giving a shot! Definitely a must-have Chrome extension for job seekers, seamlessly streamlining the job search process. The user-friendly interface and overall efficiency makes it a valuable companion for anyone navigating the competitive job market. Good work!
Rajat Singh
Rajat Singh
en Great! The best job board for students looking for entry-level jobs and internships.