Update/Add Comic

Update/Add Comic

Updates or Adds a website to the bookmark folder named 'Comics'. If the folder doesn't exist it will be created.

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4.00 (Rating count: 4)
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All time rating average: 4.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Was great when i first got it a few weeks ago, but lately never updates the bookmarks at all, im having to manually add them, which defeats the purpose of it
Daniel Billman
Daniel Billman
The idea is great! What I miss is the ability to activly choose a folder in my bookmars (mine for example is named W.C.) and a keybord shortcut (ctrl + alt + D maybe?) to minimize clicking. Sometimes it works and sometimes it won't. I've tried renaming my W.C. folder to Comics, and creating a new folder named Comics but sometimes it won't save the link or update. Once it chose my W.C. folder and starded updating the links in there, that was awesome! Then I managed to close down the window when messing around to find shortcuts and the it woldn't work again, at all.... :/
Ryan Weisenberger
Ryan Weisenberger
Very convenient, and works as expected.