Add To WishTender

Add To WishTender

Add any item from any online store to your WishTender wishlist. WishTender is a universal wishlist for content creators to get…

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3.67 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent rating average: 2.33
All time rating average: 3.67
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en WishTender is a wishlist and gift registry platform, specifically designed for influencers and public personalities. By using WishTender, creators can easily and safely compile their wishlists, with options to customize certain features to their liking. This platform offers a flexible way for content creators to list their preferences, and receive gifts that align with their interests and values. The platform is unique in that it offers a judgement-free environment for creators to openly share their wishes without the risk of receiving unfavourable or inappropriate gifts. WishTender also offers an AI workspace that can assist users in completing challenging tasks [2]. In addition to its functionality as a wishlist and gift registry, WishTender also offers a help center with Intercom articles to assist users with any questions or concerns. Access is free for anyone interested in using the platform, enhancing its inclusivity. With over 200,000 users as of 2024 [3], WishTender is gaining popularity among content creators. It provides a safe space for them to express their wants without the fear of any judgement or discrimination.
V. S.
V. S.
en Have to refresh the page multiple times before the extension can find the item. It never picks up the right price listed. It also grabs EVERY image on the page, meaning you have to scroll forever to get to a decent one of the image you're trying to save. Cropping to a square isn't great because a lot of product images are rectangular so you're cutting off a lot of the product image.
en Have to refresh the page multiple times before the extension can find the item. It never picks up the right price listed. It also grabs EVERY image on the page, meaning you have to scroll forever to get to a decent one of the image you're trying to save. Cropping to a square isn't great because a lot of product images are rectangular so you're cutting off a lot of the product image.